Our Willow
The willow used in the production of Home Products Basketware baskets is cropped at two different times of the year. There are many types of willow rods known as “withies” used in basket making, below are the types that we use:

The white willow is cropped between July and August whilst the sap is still rising. It is then stripped of it’s bark straight away without boiling.

The buff willow is cropped mainly in November, occasionally in December. It is the most popular and is obtained by boiling the willows, to release the natural colourant tannin from the bark into the wood. The bark is then stripped from the willow revealing the characteristic golden colour.

Double Steamed
The double steamed willow is obtained through the same process as the buff willow. However, it is boiled twice so that it brings out a deeper and richer colour.

The green willow is used in it’s natural state, having gone through no treatment process. The name is from the raw state, not necessarily the colour.
The willow when dried is bundled together and tied up in different lengths ready for weaving. When weaving the willow the highly skilled makers use several different methods:

Single or Randed
This is when a single strand is used in the weaving. This method takes a lot longer but it gives the basket a very strong finish.

Double, Triple or Slewed
This is when multiple strands are used in the weaving, this is a much quicker method but requires a very highly skilled maker.

This is the method used to add strength and shape to the basket. This is demonstrated well within some of our products like the Step Basket or Potato Basket for example.